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- GREAT PRICEGreat price compared to similar brand new items
- 745,000 N
- 3 mm

- GREAT PRICEGreat price compared to similar brand new items
- Double Row
- 2.54

- Shop on eBay
- 2900 rpm
- 1600 rpm

- Serpentine Belt Gates K060935HD
- 208 Series
- Self Centering

- Serpentine Belt-Premium OE Micro-V Belt Gates K060935 6PK2374
- EC520-617
- 178 mm

- Gates K060935 Micro-V Serpentine Drive Belt 6PK2374
- 1.94 in
- 3.90

- GATES MICRO-V #K060935 Belt
- 7.4330 in
- 4.49 in

- CarQuest Dayco 5060935 (Gates K060935) Belt
- Open Type
- 22312e-qbl

- Serpentine Belt-Premium OE Micro-V Belt Gates K060935..
- Rubberized
- Normal Duty

- Serpentine Belt Gates K060935HD
- 51600 lbf
- 4.7500 in