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- Tb Wood's Ak2834 3/4" Fixed Bore 1 Groove Standard V-Belt Pulley 2.85 In Od
- Two Seals & Snap-Rin
- 106000 N

- TB Wood's V-Belt Pulley 5V494, 1/2" to 1-15/16" QD Bushed Bore, 4.9" OD 4 Groove
- 12000 rpm
- 20000 rpm

- O Type Pulley V Groove Bore 15mm OD 40-120mm for O Belt Motor
- Cylindrical Bore
- 72 mm

- Cast Iron 3 " Single Groove V Style Section A Belt 4L for 3/4 " Shaft Pulley
- 3,200 rpm
- 0.041 to 0.081 mm

- Cast Iron 3" Single Dual Groove V Style Belt B Section 5L Pulley w/ 1" Sheave
- 23 mm
- 0.015 to 0.033 mm

- Tb Wood's Ak841 1" Fixed Bore 1 Groove Standard V-Belt Pulley 8.25 In Od
- 15000 rpm
- 80000 N